You fell in a hole, and what better to do than to take your trusty pick, and keep going deeper. Beware, the bloodthirsty moles dwell down here though.


Moving left or right: A/D or left/right arrow keys

Jumping: Space, W, or up arrow key (hold to jump higher)

Swing pickaxe: Left mouse button (Importantly, you swing to the left or right depending on where you clicked)

As I always do, when I actually participate in Ludum Dare, I bit off more than I can chew. I wanted to add a lot of roguelike elements to this game, but got bogged down in making the jumping and attacking feel just right (or at least okay) and in the basics of level generation. That said, assuming I don't have any bugs, the level generation that I have should never trap the player, and the game should get harder and harder the deeper you go. So I'm glad about that part.

For some reason the HTML5 version isn't working for me here, so I've added a windows version.

Please enjoy the infinite dive into the mayhem of the moles.


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